As those at the recently completed Winter Retreat heard from Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche, there is currently a simple retreat house in Spain. We want to say to everyone that we are very grateful to those who have expressed their support and faith in us. While it is small, there are currently two available rooms and a small apartment for single closed retreats, it is very nice, comfortable, and located in a very special place. It’s near Sau, (Barcelona) the place where we did the first Yeshe Tsogyal Drupchö (from the retreat house it is possible to see the Sau lake). This space-house is impermanent, (as everything) but Rinpoche gave us  a year’s time to see how it works and to see, after his personal retreat, what new direction it might go in. You can have a look to the blog we created for this (it has a translator link for English and other languages):

We will try to make always the best conditions for everybody, for every practitioner who wants to do personal retreat there. We have planned a simple opening ceremony during Losar 2014.

¡May this create the causes for a future center or community of living practitioners who care each other and practice together! A huge hug and good practice!

Please use this email account: for communication about the retreat house. Thank you!

— Irene and Angela