May 21, 2015
The Ripa Ladrang Foundation held a fundraiser at the studio of world-renowned pop artist Peter Max; a philanthropist, a spiritual yogi and an amazing human being who played a key role in bringing yoga to America in the seventies. When Ripa Ladrang approached Peter about hosting Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche as part of a fundraiser sharing the foundation, its work and Rinpoche’s teachings, he graciously accepted.
Peter’s studio is beautiful with much of his art hanging on the walls throughout, the ambience gentle and bright which is reflective of the artist and the mood of the evening. Seventy people joined Ripa Ladrang to support the foundation and listen to Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche, sharing wine and hors d’oeuvres. The President of Ripa Ladrang Foundation, Alan Goldstein, introduced Rinpoche after the audience had watched a short film depicting the foundation’s work. Rinpoche then spoke on a variety of subjects, focusing on social engagement, silence of the mind and how we can engage with the world only when we connect with ourselves on a deeper level.

Left, Suma Chander and Peter Max with Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche. Right, a piece of artwork by Peter Max.
Following the lecture, there was a question and answer session, with several questions pertaining to Rinpoche’s recent solitary retreat. For instance, what did you do on retreat? What was it like? How do we share our wisdom with the rest of the world? Rinpoche answered this last question by saying, “When we give, we give fully and we should not expect anything back, just give with love”.
In closing, Ripa Ladrang appealed to the audience to donate and help the foundation, noting many of the extensive projects and work they are engaged in, from sponsoring monks to securing clean water for a village of 7,000. The Ripa monks are also currently going out into the remote regions of Nepal affected by the recent earthquakes and where a lot of aid groups have not been able to reach (especially the Dalit or lower caste village tribes since they are not being served fast enough), sharing and helping those in need by distributing blankets, food, and other necessities.
It was a beautiful evening and we would like to thank everyone who helped make this event possible and so special!
The Ripa Ladrang Team