We dive into the Yeshé Tsogyal Drupchö, which demonstrates with such intensity the depth of the Taksham lineage. On the last day, Gesar practice is followed by a long life ceremony for Rinpoche, followed by joyful Western and Tibetan festivities.
The Drupchö
In Vajrayana a Drupchö – or, ‘great accomplishment’ in Tibetan – is one of the most elaborate forms of practice, and takes place over several days. “Our own” lasts six full days after which Rinpoche concluded: “During this week we have made the deepest journey possible and it is very beautiful … Even if in the end everything dissolves, yet it is still imprinted in our mindstreams … As a thread which connects us to Dharma practice. But above all, during this time we have established a very important link. A link between one another, a link between the practice and the deity …. ” Rinpoche further states: “There are three ways to connect to the Teacher. The outermost is material: through generosity and everything related to concrete support. The second is internal, through service, determination, diligence, and perseverance in our body, speech and mind. At the most ultimate level, finally, it is through practice that we build the deepest connection with the Teacher. It is through practice that we really understand the depth of the Teacher, the depth of his blessings, and we also discover the depth of our own mind. ” During his personal retreat, it is through practice and the guidance of his father, H.E. Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche, that Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche had been able to connect on the highest spiritual level with his own Teacher: “It is through practice that I have become stronger, more accomplished and also more able to give to my students. ” Rinpoche reminds us that, along with the path of practice, there is the path of study, of philosophy, and of Buddhist thought, and that it is imperative that we find ways to integrate this knowledge with our own practice, otherwise “we may find ourselves totally lost on an intellectual journey, left with only a collection of knowledge. “ Finally, regarding our Center, “it is becoming the cradle of our lineage in the West, perhaps also a cradle of Buddhism and especially the Vajrayana in the West.” And a cradle of our activities and efforts on behalf of future generations in the West ; and so, we are invited to engage and commit ourselves.
During the six days, everyone is attentive, concentrated … But that intensity sometimes requires us to recuperate … When one is young, one can be both in practice and in Harry Potter ! … The Drupchö is expanded to include meditation… Question and answer session in the evening with Lama Tenzin and his translator Mappie… an offering of tsok to finish.
Gesar Practice, Long Life Ceremony for Rinpoche and Festivities
August 15th, the last day. Following the completion of the Drupchö and the final tsok offering, we perform a Magnetizing Gesar fire ceremony ; the final tsok, as usual, includes a show performed by students. Various songs are offered, some touching or funny, but always expressed with a very beautiful voice ; there is Indian dance ; poetry ; and the shared reflections of our now well-known clown … After an intense week and silence, we do not hesitate to express ourselves! … Rinpoche expressed his satisfaction but put our efforts to practice silence in their proper place: “While we were in total silence for all those days, I could see that some of you have reached a rather high level of special communication …. If you are able to communicate that well without words, maybe you have arrived somewhere! “ The Long Life ceremony for Rinpoche is organized by the Orissan Tibetan community in Switzerland. It includes an offering of many beautiful Lingdrö dances recounting the epic of Gesar of Ling. At the end, Rinpoche addresses the Tibetans … in Tibetan. We understand nothing of course, but we appreciate the roars of laughter that accompanied his words and we know – because we have the experience- that his words hit the mark – that he always finds the right image, the good comparison, and the right words.
Rinpoche smiling at the end of retreat … Offering of Tsok … Long life ceremony … singing … dancing … Lama Tenzin is part of the Tibetan dances … ‘Family’ photo of all those who were still there on August 15th at the end of the celebrations.
The younger generations arrive
Long before the Landguet Ried finally became our Center, Rinpoche had shared his vision during one of our first meetings on the spot: “It will be a place of encounter, of life, of joy, of tolerance, of harmony and of peace … not a place where you meet people with a serious face. ” Then he added: “I also invite all couples to come here to conceive children of the future generations! “ This seems to have been heard! Drupchö, practices, celebrations and festivities are accompanied by games and laughter. Everywhere the little ones are out discovering, finding themselves, playing, squabbling … They are between the ages of a few months to ten years, and they bring life, the energy of childhood and the future. But they also catch everything! Thus, one evening when we were almost all asleep, we heard a frail and acute “Ki Ki So So, Lha Gyalo” rise in the still warm air of the summer night. And do not forget especially the bigger students who are already adolescents. Those familiar with Rinpoche for many years, or some as young as one year. Many of them now follow the teachings. Glances, smiles and hearts visibly open – full of humor, sincerity and enthusiasm ; they do not take themselves too seriously. While full of lightness, they yet have this ability to listen with openness to others … A lesson for the adults? …
Tibetan rugs are transformed into motor racing circuits… the floor of the coffee shop is decorated with a highway outlined in chalk … Playing with water is so much fun … Tibetans or Europeans are everywhere, having a party, whether in the temple or outside in the greenery.
Souvenir Album …
This slide show is a pale reflection of all that has accompanied this retreat: the joy, the participation of all in the work, various preparations, service, and the household … Here is but a small glimpse through some pictures, selected, some with affection, but also still quite arbitrarily, from over 2500 shots. This blog is the last of the summer 2015. The intensity and pace of events, meant that our postings may not have always been achieved as quickly as you might expect – we have had some responses! – But be aware that these blogs, so quickly read and reviewed, are already in themselves an adventure … and a very good example of interdependence! Indeed, once the photos are taken, selected and the texts written, it is time to call upon the translators for English, German, Spanish. Then the technical part takes over, preparing the slide show, placing the texts in all languages, putting everything online, and finally, contacting the presidents of PL and RIPA responsible for disseminating the information among the members and supporters of each country. It is due to the successful sequencing of all these successive and interdependent operations that you can receive these blogs…
Stay tuned for more stories and thank you for following us.
Best wishes in the Dharma
The team of Ripa International Center