April 2020
Physically isolated for several weeks now, our disrupted daily life invites us to practice intensively. The bond that unites us with our teachers is so powerful that it gives us an incredible strength to go through these troubled times well anchored to the path of Dharma.
Guru Rinpoche in crystal
Our more regular and sustained practices
Carried by the messages of our teachers and the lung initiations that His Eminence Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche transmitted to us in March from Nepal, we have definitely understood that this pandemic is a painful reminder to engage in practices for the benefit of all living beings, without exception. During the March transmission, H.E. Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche also reminds us “That there is none greater than Guru Rinpoche,” and he adds: “If one of his most famous manifestations is Guru Dorje Drollö, known for his powers against obstacles, in this practice he takes another form, that of Guru Drakpö, which is more appropriate [under the current circumstances] … If one is able to practice these saddhanas with faith and conviction, I trust that it will be very beneficial to you.”
Consequently, the online streaming of practices organized by our center in Switzerland are there to “ensure the follow-up” of Rinpoche’s message, to accompany us on the way, to support us, to encourage us and to bring us together. Many of you express your satisfaction and warmly thank the center for this initiative. One of us put it this way: “Even locked up, isolated each in his corner, we are not alone anymore, we are all together, and it is a great support.”
One of your beautiful personal home altars… We follow the streaming practices… In her garden, Martine offers Lingdrö dances… Rita immerses herself in the realization of a superb Tangka… Hélène, in great shape, sends us her smile and shares with us her good morale…
Isolation, a precious experience
The forced isolation from the national lockdowns were not necessarily well experienced at the start. Its suddenness and brutality surprised more than one and some experienced moments of sadness and even anxiety. Very quickly, however, the positive aspects emerged. Here is how some among you express it: “The confinement pushes us to practice … Through the streaming [of practices] we get back on the road together … We are carried by a force greater than ourselves … Practices with the center are very positive for me … This situation pushes us to refocus on the essentials … Finally, it is very positive, it is a beautiful offering that comes to us and carries us higher … Time no longer feels the same, it seems to be dilated, suspended, and despite that we don’t have time to get bored… Oddly we don’t feel any frustration, we don’t feel deprived of anything… We feel so close to each other…. ” Some dedicate their practices more specifically to the caregivers who have been transformed into real warriors to save lives, others work at opening the heart, doing long meditation sessions. But our shared experience is the awareness of impermanence, it is palpable, everyone experiences it in the depths of their being.
The surrounds of your practice sessions: Dharma cat, nice cat … Expulsion of the breaths of baby birds born right next to the altar of one of our friends … Exchange of gastronomic ideas … In France, even wines can become “Conscience!”… In Belgium, Rita has only the street to cross to buy her vegetables at the farm next to her little house … Pandemic exorcist standing in a garden near Sylvie’s house in the Paris region …
The center is still in action
On site, the onsite “dream team” continues its activities and the photos that follow are far from representing everything that is going on and being prepared. All the seminars having been canceled due to the lockdown in Switzerland, some of the external speakers have agreed to participate in reduced online programme via Landguet Ried Zoom platform, on a donation basis. It does not replace the originally planned in-person programme, but it helps maintain the contact with our audience. Realising the importance of the existence of such a center, external speakers and participants support it as best they can. Carlo takes care of the installation of a new statue of Buddha; on his new stone base, our little historic Buddha has been elevated; the benches are repainted; the shop is almost ready, Gabriella puts the finishing touches on the presentation and the storage of the objects she brought back from Nepal for us. We are expected. Definitely.
The new Buddha… Our little historic Buddha, present since 2012… Ursula and Carlo add a layer… Preview of the restocked shop…
Your postcards
A thousand thanks to you for all the photos you have sent and a thousand apologies for those you will not find in this blog. It was technically impossible to insert them in their entirety. The following is a reflection of the diversity of all that you have sent, you are full of ideas. You have given us an overview of the animals that accompany your practices, suggested your gastronomic ideas … Here you are offering us flowers from your gardens. And these last photos which open on the sky, towards the infinite, which seem to indicate to us the path on which our practices take us… What happiness! All of your postcards show how lively, imaginative, humorous and connected our RIPA community is. A real gift from the Dharma!
Your flowers … Your skies: From the Mediterranean to France … From Brussels … From Paris … From Vigo in Spain on the Atlantic coast … From Germany in the center where Katharina lives…
Thank you all for your participation and see you soon –
Exceptional Call for Donations COVID-19
As our centre is closed until further notice, you can support it during this time to prepare the return of our Teachers as well as yours! Your donations, even small ones, are welcome.
A big thank you in advance to all of you and see you soon!