Ripa International Center
An International Buddhist Community

The Ripa International Center is the international seat of the Ripa Lineage in the West. It is an open center for all Buddhist schools, with a particular focus on Vajrayana Buddhism in general and the Ripa Lineage in particular. The center was inaugurated in July 2012 under the auspices of the three lineage Teachers, H.E. Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche, Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche and Dungsey Lhuntrul Dechen Gyurmey Rinpoche.

1st Ripa monastery founded in Kham, Tibet
1830, 19th Century
Buddha Sakyamuni
4th to 5th century BCE
Guru Rinpoche
8th Century Tibet
Ripa Pema Deje Rolpa, lineage Founder
17TH century – Tibet

1970, Orissa, India

2005, Pharping, Nepal
Ripa Lineage
The Ripa lineage is an authentic Nyingma Kagyu householder yogic lineage giving rare and precious Buddhist teachings to an international community, bringing them together in peace and harmony. Dedicated to the path of Enlightenment through the practice of wisdom and compassion, we bring forth excellence and virtue, through leading engaged, worthy lives. And, as a vibrant Dharma community, we gather together regularly and celebrate each others’ many national cultures.

2012, Bern, Switzerland
The Dharma is the supreme source of happiness now and for future generations; the Ripa International Center (RIC) will bear witness to the unbroken succession of the great Ripa Lamas, setting up the ground for wisdom and compassion to flourish; home to a lay community of Buddhist practitioners, it aspires to be a place for healing and well-being where the values of the ancestral Tibetan heritage are transmitted, a place for participants to share, learn, practice and provide guidance and spiritual leadership for future generations

Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche, 2006
Spiritual Director of the Ripa International Center
The grounds are located in Ried (Niederwangen), a small locality in the vicinity of Bern, Switzerland. The hilltop position, surrounded by pastures and forests, offers a panoramic view of the Jura mountain range and the Bernese Midlands. The ample property encompasses various buildings and facilities: two main residences, a staff building, a timber-framed farmhouse, stables and sheds, a big multi-use hall, a horse-riding arena, a sports field, a tennis court, a garden, a park and agricultural grounds.


Mission, vision and goals
The Mission of the Ripa International Center is to promote, support and preserve Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism, following the footsteps of the Ripa Lineage and its teachers. Since this tradition’s values and practices are very much about compassionate engagement with the world and its people, we fulfill this mission through a combination of teachings, preservation of religious texts, and spiritual outreach.

A wide range of programmes and activities are organized regularly ranging from traditional Tibetan Drupchös (short to elaborate forms of intensive ritual practice), silent meditation retreats and Buddhist philosophy seminars. It also hosts the activities of the Translation Committee, which, under the guidance of Lama Tenzin Phuntsok, aims at preserving and making accessible in the West the Terma teachingsof His Eminence Tertön Namkha Drimed Rinpoche.
The center also strives to provide a wide range of educational opportunities that help translate the timeless and universal values of Buddhism for modern society and to sharpen our senses and minds for what is essential in life.

Rigon Tashi Choeling

Rigon Thupten Mindrolling

Rigon Tashi Choeling

Centre Ripa International
Hilfligweg 10,
3172 Niederwangen, Bern,
Phone: +41 (0)31 984 03 58