by adminripa | Jan 20, 2021 | RIC Blog
Bienvenue menu_Protector Mahakala Vajravarahi Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal Gesar_2 1-vajrayogini-images-of-enlightenment Bienvenue sur le nouveau site de ripa...
by adminripa | May 16, 2020 | RIC Blog
May 2020 last special Covid blog Practicing together online, RAM meditation, surprise teaching of Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche from India, this confinement will have socialized communication by technology in our lineage, to our greatest satisfaction … And if, through...
by adminripa | Apr 23, 2020 | RIC Blog
April 2020 Physically isolated for several weeks now, our disrupted daily life invites us to practice intensively. The bond that unites us with our teachers is so powerful that it gives us an incredible strength to go through these troubled times well anchored to the...
by adminripa | Apr 4, 2020 | RIC Blog
Confined just as all other RIPA students, and half of the 7.8 billion inhabitants who inhabit our planet, our friends, permanent and voluntary, take care of our Center in Switzerland. Loyal to their job, they are actively preparing for our return. Adapting and...
by adminripa | Jan 31, 2020 | RIC Blog
Winter 2019-2020 “Our meditation” – Ripa Awerness Meditation (R.A.M) – is gradually unfolded to us over time by Rinpoche. Specific to our lineage, but deeply linked to the Buddhist tradition, it is beginning to become more well known here and there, and in...