july, 2022

23jul(jul 23)15 h 00 min11aug(aug 11)10 h 00 minAnnual Ripa International Summer Retreat & 10th Anniversary of the Inauguration of RIC!(july 23) 15 h 00 min - (august 11) 10 h 00 min(GMT+2:00) View in my timeEvent Type :RIC

Event Details

On 2022 we celebrate the 10th Anniversary of RIC. It is planned that the Three Masters of Ripa Lineage, H.E. Namkha Drimed Rinpoche, Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche and Lhuntrul Rinpoche, will be with us – Covid permitting– for a full programme of teachings, drupchös and festivities. Below are the dates that you can reserve in your calendar as of now!!

Saturday 23 – Thursday 28 July (end after lunch): Open public teaching with Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche: Nurturing an awakened and compassionate mind (Based on Shantideva’s A Guide to the Boddhisattva’s Way of Life)


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Friday 29 – Sunday 31 July: 10th anniversary of the Ripa International Center: Dharma and cultural celebrations


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Sunday 31 July – Friday 5 August: Yeshe Tsogyal Drupcho (end after lunch)




Saturday 6 – 11 August: Enriching Gesar Drupcho (end after lunch)


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The first date is always the arrival date, at around 4pm. Corresponding programme starts the following day in the morning.

Please get in touch with us on: info@ripa-international.com if you wish to participate in the organization of the 10th anniversary celebrations!!


July 23 (Saturday) 15 h 00 min - August 11 (Thursday) 10 h 00 min(GMT+2:00) View in my time

Speakers for this event

  • Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche

    Dungsey Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche

    RIPA Lineage Holder I Spiritual Director of the Ripa International Center

    Ven. Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche is a master of Buddhist meditation and philosophy under the Kagyu and Nyingma traditions.

    URL https://ripa-international.com/dungsey-gyetrul-jigme-rinpoche/

    RIPA Lineage Holder I Spiritual Director of the Ripa International Center

  • Dungsey Lhuntrul Dechen Gyurmey Rinpoche

    Dungsey Lhuntrul Dechen Gyurmey Rinpoche

    Lhuntrul Dechen Gyurmey Rinpoche was born, in keeping with Guru Rinpoche’s prophecy, in 1976 as the son of His Eminence Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche and Khandro Chime Drolkar. He was recognized as the reincarnation of Jigme Tempay Gyeltsen, the 3rd Tamdrin Lhunpo Chogtrul. In conjunction with his recognition, he was enthroned at Namdroling monastery in Mysore amidst an ocean of lamas, tulkus, and monks presided over by Kyabje Drupwang Penor Rimpoche, who bestowed upon him the name Gyurme Thegchog Shedrub Tenpay Gyeltsen.

    URL https://ripa-international.com/dungsey-lhuntrul-rinpoche/