november, 2023
This is a repeating event9 december 2023 9 h 30 min

Event Details
The Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva by Gyalse Tokme Zangpo (1297 - 1371) The perfect Buddhas, source of all benefit and happiness Come into being through accomplishing the sacred Dharma And this in
Event Details
The Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva
by Gyalse Tokme Zangpo (1297 – 1371)
The perfect Buddhas, source of all benefit and happiness
Come into being through accomplishing the sacred Dharma
And this in turn depends on knowing how to practice.
I shall now describe the practice of all Buddha’s heirs (the Bodhisattvas).
In these introductory verses Gyalse Tokme Zangpo explains his motivation to compose his text: whoever aspires to complete enlightenment needs to know the path. For both lay and monastic practitioners, it provides a time-proven method for carrying adversity onto the path and distills the entire Mahayana path of compassion. Since centuries and until today, all practitioners have studied and practiced his text regardless of their lineage and without any partiality.
As Lhuntrul Dechen Gyurmey Rinpoche says: this text is so important that it should accompany any practitioner from the beginning up to the Dzogchen level of practice.
One of the most famous native Tibetan texts on mind training, this classic summarises the teachings of Śāntideva’s Bodhicaryāvatāra and other sources, in order to present the path of the bodhisattva in just thirty-seven four-line verses.
Discover the textAbout the teacher
Khenpo Tenzin Wangdue was born in 1982 in Tibet. At the age of 13 he became a monk of the Ripa Monastery, where he studied philosophy and was instructed and trained in ritual performance. A few years later, he went to India and continued his Buddhist Philosophy studies in the Ngagyur Nyingma Institute (Higher Buddhist Studies & Research Center) of Namdrolling Monastery, Mysore. He has successfully completed the nine-year-long study program there, and due to his great knowledge and understanding of the Buddhist teachings, he was enthroned as Khenpo of the Ripa lineage by H.E. Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche and Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche. He is head of the monastic community at the Ripa Monastery Rigon Tashi Choeling in Nepal.
This is an online event on Zoom.
Open to everyone
This cycle of teachings is proposed as a whole. We recommend to attend the full cycle.
In case you cannot attend one of the weekends, no problem: the recordings will be made available to registered participants during 6 weeks online and for download.
Khenpo will teach in Tibetan and will be translated directly from Tibetan into English and the main languages of the Ripa Sangha French, German, Spanish and Russian.
11 – 12 November 2023
09 – 10 December 2023
13 – 14 January 2024
Second half of February (to be defined shortly)
09:30 – 12:00
13:30 – 15:30
Check your local time on:
120.- CHF/€ per weekend
360.- CHF/€ for the whole cycle (4 weekends)
90.- CHF/€ per weekend
270.- CHF/€ for the whole cycle (4 weekends)
The teachings of the Buddha-Dharma are priceless, but money should not be an obstacle to your participation in these teachings.
If you need a special discount, please fill in the registration form and specify your situation.
11 (Saturday) 9 h 30 min - 12 (Sunday) 15 h 30 min(GMT+2:00) View in my time
Speakers for this event
Khenpo Tenzin Wangdue
Khenpo Tenzin Wangdue
Ripa Khenpo
Khenpo Tenzin Wangdue became a monk of the Ripa Monastery at the age of 13, where he studied philosophy and was instructed and trained in ritual performance. He successfully completed the nine-year study programme of Buddhist Philosophy studies in the Ngagyur Nyingma Institute (Higher Buddhist Studies & Research Center) of Namdrolling Monastery, Mysore. Due to his great knowledge and understanding of the Buddhist teachings, he was enthroned as Khenpo of the Ripa lineage by H.E. Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche and Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche. He is the head of the monastic community at the Ripa Monastery Rigon Tashi Choeling in Nepal.
Ripa Khenpo