Main Practices

Main Practices

Guru Rinpoche

Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal
Dakini in Sanskrit, Khandro in Tibetan literally means Sky dancer or Sky dweller.
Yeshe Tsogyal incarnates the ultimate essence of the Dakini, the feminine principle, both in its human and divine forms.

King Gesar, the Enlightened Warrior
The “Lhasang” is a smoke offering ritual offered to the Deities and the Three Rare and Sublime Jewels, the Three Roots, the Dharma Protectors and Guardians, the wealth gods, local deities, lords of the soil, etc. By doing so, any impurities and corruptions are cleansed and purity of intention is brought about…

Medicine Buddha
The Medicine Buddha, or “Buddha Menla”, made great vows as a Boddhisattva to: help beings suffering from illnesses, misery, bondage, and want; as well as to: lead beings from ignorance to pure conduct and ultimate Enlightenment….


Centre Ripa International
Hilfligweg 10,
3172 Niederwangen, Bern,
Phone: +41 (0)31 984 03 58