The brave heart – breathe. love. connect.


The brave heart – breathe. love. connect.
Teachings and guided meditations with Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche
Total: 7 h

29 march – 1st April 2024
At the Ripa International Center (Switzerland)

Through meditation we come into contact with our heart, develop trust in our inner goodness, in the powerful resource of our soft core.
Under Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche’s guidance, we immerse ourselves in a deeper understanding of our thoughts and feelings. He teaches us about our true nature and gives us the methods to connect with our heart, always and everywhere. A practice that helps us to make peace with our doubts and other negative emotions in order to move forward fullheartedly into the future.

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The brave heart – breathe. love. connect.
Teachings and guided meditations with Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche

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