Regular Activities

Shine Meditation

Shine Meditation

Every Monday at 19:00 in Ripa International Center / Landguet Ried

Start :  Monday 20th March 2023

SHINE, the meditation of calm abiding, also called Shamata, comes from the Buddhist tradition, but it is useful for everyone, regardless of faith or religion.

We familiarise ourselves with this meditation technique and practise it. We therefore learn to calm our mind, to be fully mindful in the present and to find our way from duality to oneness. In the calm abiding, the heart expands and peace sets in. We become more open and loving towards ourselves and others.

No previous meditation experience is necessary for participation.

The classes will be held in german.

The meditation is offered on the basis of Dhana.

“Dana” is Sanskrit and means “free gift”, everyone pays what they feel is appropriate for the lesson and what suits their possibilities.

You will be guided by Christian Zimmerhäckel and Gabriela Grimm.

More info and registration:

Hans-Christian Zimmerhäckel

He received his first teachings on Buddhism as a young boy from his grandfather.

More than 20 years ago he became a student of Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche and early on also his personal attendant. Since 2022 he has been a resident of the Ripa International Center. He holds a degree in business administration (univ.) and works as an entrepreneur.

“It is the longing of my heart that has arrived at home in Buddhism”.

Gabriela Grimm

Has been familiarr in Tibetan Buddhism for over 12 years. As a student of Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche, she has been instrumental in setting up the Ripa International Center and Landguet Ried. She has a degree in social pedagogy (HFS) and has been working at Landguet Ried since the beginning. In addition, she is co-leader of a further training course for end-of-life care at Pallium-humancare.

“Meditation is an essential part of my life. In sitting quietly I find peace, tranquillity and goodness of heart, I become one with my inner core and can open up to what is. A true treasure that I love to share with others.”

Centre Ripa International

Hilfligweg 10,

3172 Niederwangen, Bern,


Phone: +41 (0)31 984 03 58
