Hello everyone! I came here in the occasion of the 25th year of the Nyigma Monlam for World Peace. Actually this is a prayer that is a congregation of all of the Nyigmas from all over the world who come here with one aim and purpose: to engage in a deep meditation and prayer for the World Peace. Here everyone renews their commitment to the Path of Peace and Enlightment. I’ve been here only once or twice before, but this time I came specifically because of the solemn jubilee celebration of the Nyigma Monlam, and also particularly because my father is one of the leading guests here in the ceremony, so I came here to accompany him and it’s been really wonderful for me also because personally it is just a week or two before I am going to my retreat and it is a very special feeling to actually begin my retreat here, in the most holy seat of the Buddhism.Each in morning when I wake up I have the feeling of what Siddhardha must have been going through on the last night, the last moment before the full knowledge, full wisdom and full enlightment dawned on him, that liberated him permanently from the bondage of misery and suffering.
It such a beautiful feeling to be here, in this place where thousands Buddhas will be enlighted, and you can see all the great lamas from the Nyigma tradition, including His Eminence Tsetrul Rinpoche, as well as the monks and nuns from all the major monasteries. Our two monasteries from Ripa Orissa and Nepal are also here participating. This prayer festival was initiated by all the great Nyigma masters of the past to preserve the Nyigma tradition. It also offers a chance to meet with all the masters and students from all over the world, through this one event. At the same time, we renew our commitment and compassion for sentient beings. It is also special because during this anniversary, there is much celebration going on, one can see the congregation of Nyigmapa from all over the world, especially from the Himalayan region. More than 20, 000 people congregated here with one aim, one hope, and one inspiration: to find peace and to renew their commitments to the Path of Peace, to renew their faith and belief in the Path of Buddhism, and to remember the kindness and the greatness of the Buddha, as a supreme teacher and to feel extreme gratitude for being able to be born in this world, in this time, to meet the Buddhadharma.
Here, there are also many cultural performances here to celebrate the 25th anniversary. In particular, our Lingdro group performed the dance based on the epic of the King Gesar of Ling, which is a very special form of dance which celebrates life, courage, fearlessness and enlighted leadership. The group from Orissa was invited especially for the this. Last night they gave a wonderful performance. And so I am so happy that I could be here, to attend the anniversary of the Nyigma Monlam just before my retreat. I feel that my mind is much more clear, I feel much more committed, I could renew and restore my own commitment. And to really be able to be at service and to bring help for many beings in the world as long as I am able. I want everyone to be a part of this prayer. I did include all of you, my friends, my students, in my prayers every day here, with the congregation of thousands of lamas and monks, and especially with all the great masters here. So I can say that it is a most powerful and very wonderful time here in Bodhgaya, in the holy seat, the most holy seat, of Buddhism in all of the world. Please keep the Dharma in your hearts. All the best!