Regular Activities
Monthly Pujas & Tsok

Monthly Pujas & Tsok
Every month we gather for the monthly pujas of the Ripa lineage at 19:30. These are:
- Medicine Buddha, on the 8th day of the lunar calendar
- Guru Rinpoche, on 10th day of the lunar calendar
- Yeshe Tsogyal, on 25th day of the lunar calendar
- King Gesar, on days of full moon
On the day of Guru Rinpoche and Yeshe Tsogyal, we celebrate the traditional Ganachakra feast, or Tsok in Tibetan.
The tsok or Ganachakra feast is an offering of food and drink to the root and lineage gurus, the yidams, the Three Jewels, the ocean of Dakinis and oath-bound protectors, and all beings of the six realms. It symbolizes the surpassing and transformation of our defilements and obscurations; it also helps restore broken samayas – engagements assumed towards the Vajra master .
Everyone joining is welcome to bring along some food and drink as an offering – it is important that the offered substances include meat and alcohol, symbolizing the transformation of our most gross defilements.

Centre Ripa International
Hilfligweg 10,
3172 Niederwangen, Bern,
Phone: +41 (0)31 984 03 58